In Russia, flour prices increased by 30% in May-June of this year, there may be a shortage of flour

09:01; 02 July 2024 year
Freepik Company

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Due to frosts in May in Russia, which led to the death of a significant part of crops, grain and flour prices may significantly increase. This is reported by the website of RBC. In particular, many bakeries in the country have already received notification that the price of raw materials will increase by 30%.

In particular, from the information provided by the National Bakery Union, it is known that many bakeries began receiving notifications about the upcoming price increase to 29-30 rubles per 1 kg of premium wheat flour in June in the second half of May. Flour began to rise in price by several rubles per 1 kg at once, and in just two weeks flour prices increased by up to 30% or more compared to the beginning of the month. In addition, the presence of export duties on grain in the absence of similar ones for flour sharply pushed the growth of flour exports to the markets of China and Southeast Asia, and many industrial flour mills rushed to sell raw materials abroad. However, there are not many flour mills in Russia, and if measures are not taken, then there may be a certain shortage of flour in the country, which will lead to a further increase in prices for raw materials and bread.

In turn, the Ministry of Agriculture assesses the situation on the bread and flour market as stable. According to the Ministry, as of June 26, the selling price of wheat flour in the country on average is 24.9 rubles per 1 kg. Its value has increased by only 2.9% since the end of last year. — below the rate of inflation.In addition, flour production in Russia is currently growing. According to Rosstat data provided by the ministry, in January-May 2024, more than 4.2 million tons of flour were produced, which is 8.8% more than the level of the previous year.