Going out for export: there are no universal tips

The tenth anniversary International Export Forum "Made in Russia" showed that Russia does not close borders to international partners. Russia remains open to new constructive dialogues and continues to increase its export potential. Despite everything, about 200 countries of the world still remain buyers of Russian products.
The business magazine continues a series of articles for and about exporters. Our heroes tell their success stories and share work tips on entering foreign markets in the face of external threats.
Alexander Nevolin, CEO of NEVLABS
At the forum «Made in Russia» we present waste sorting equipment — this is an industrial delta robot. At the exhibition, we show how it sorts waste, but its scope of application is much wider, for example, for the production of consumer goods: it can sort, control quality, put in boxes. Our export path began with the CIS countries: Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Belarus. We made our first exits to foreign markets about a year ago. Today we already understand who we need to make friends with, in our case, these are integrators who build factories into whose production chains our robotic complex can be integrated. We are currently engaged in an active dialogue with Turkey.
Our potential partner is currently working with German equipment, but we have made a more interesting offer - we offered to transfer the license for production. The Turks are interested because they can produce a robotic complex under their own brand, and we also sell software for controlling a robot, it is quite easy to protect it from copying. In our case, it is the software that has the maximum value, since all functions and features are sewn into it. The chips are Asian, we have not had any problems with supplies yet, we would have taken Russian ones, but there are none. The electronics itself, the same printed circuit boards, installation, development are domestic, but they are produced according to our order in Zelenograd.
The localization level of our equipment is about 70%. So we definitely fall into the "Made in Russia" category.
Read also: Regional exports: before and after