Starting in 2025, a new procedure for the purchase of vital medicines will be launched in Russia, import suppliers will be cut off

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The Ministry of Finance of Russia has amended the draft resolution, which, among other things, establishes the procedure for granting advantages to Russian manufacturers of vital and essential medicines (VED) over foreign ones in public procurement.
As the RBC edition writes, currently a draft government decree on this topic is being coordinated with interested federal executive authorities, including the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Health.
Recall that before that, the Ministry of Industry and Trade held a meeting with representatives of pharmaceutical manufacturers of the country to discuss possible changes. Based on the meeting, a decision was developed according to which, if at least one supplier of a drug that is produced in Russia or the EAEU countries on a full cycle, starting with the synthesis of a substance (raw materials for medicines), is put up for auction, then the remaining applications from imported suppliers will be rejected automatically. The new rules should start working from 2025.